Wednesday, February 22, 2006




It's a case when, your reply is simply because of the obligation to answer a question or make a response, for the sake of entertain.
Otherwise, you make no effort to inject even the slightest soul into our conversation, then did we realise that we are no longer the friends we used to be, or were we even friends to begin with?
We were just thinking... you dont have to do much you know? Just a simple nagging or whining will do. For what are friends for, except to listen to your trival gramblings? There's no need for you to recite to us what you've achieved, just simple things of your everyday life is enough. Yah, just simple people. We are there for you. I am there for you. But if I am not even updated, then probably it's time for me to exit. Because it's invalid for my existence mah. =)

Friday, February 17, 2006

blogging on alternate days?

hmm, need to let this out.
I know of someone, who likes to put people down.
Of coz I am not the only one (another friend pointed out her flaws to me sutlely too) who is gonna critisize her as follows:
I dont expect people to agree with me on whatever I like or dont like. But pls respect people lor. Example, I just put a lame subject title "I want a hyde-volks doll" then she pmed me and say, hyde boy better. She thinks buying a doll is a waste of money. Can buy other better things. Ok, that was the last straw.
I didnt rebutt back, saying you think getting someone who looks like hyde as a bf is easy ah? Even if found, why do you think he'll like you?

It seems the whole world revolves round her!
She got a 'diamond ring' at 2 bucks. And have to go round promoting it.
But imagine if I or any other friend who gets it, she will definitely say, buy real thing better.

Ok, who's to decide what's better for who?

Can respect people's ideas or not?
Back to the doll thingy... last time she used to collect dolls too.... ok if that passion died down for her... there's no need for her to go round... 'brainwashing' people that dolls are waste of money!!! AIYOO! I dont understand ne.

Then I say I dont like ang mohs generally... then she will put down asian guys etc. Then when some ang mohs do bad things to her, she will say bad things about them. Like, what?!

I dont think I need to put up with this kinda nonsense lor. In fact I have been very patient for almost two years!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I feel it's a good idea to read a book and pass it on to another person. But not many people share my view on that. Sometimes, I just wish people can be more open minded and be willing to accept things? Maybe they just wont accpet me lah, haha.

And I know... it doesnt make any difference, really.

Monday, February 13, 2006

It is still very hard.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Something in me just snapped. More positive now.
What's done, is past.
Still amazed that I could be ever be so much more positive.
Happy, as Qiqi mentioned (and I did say it before), is so simple to spell and yet difficult to achieve.
So now do you know why I like to use such simple word?

Neh... if it's so easy to pyscho myself, it would be so wonderful.

Btw, I'm holding two jobs now... hopefully it can last as long as possible, coz I simply need more money. At this rate, I will never have enough to live better.

Sometimes, I just need someone to 撒娇 to. You know... like prolly I will meet people who are disgusting and spill their drinks, then speak rubbish to me... I just hope someone can listen to these trival rants. Simple enough, but hard to find.
I am beginning to find it hard to speak to people normally. Because there will always be this notion that they are up to no good. Hah.
Is there anyone I can trust, and who trust in me?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My heart pains.

The roads are long and driven,
Memories of us soon forgotten.
But I still love you.

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