Thursday, November 24, 2005

money no more

sian man.... everytime near to events, I have to fork out money for trival stuffs like binding and photocopying... amounting to 200bucks soon. I am only a small fry, earning so little... and I've gotta save for a trip in Jan... now is Nov already... and stupid Finance takes up to two months to return me the money... damn efficient rite?
Just had another phonecall, and I have to fork out another 100bucks (or more)... like that 300bucks in total gone... still have to pay for refreshment for meetings later at end of the month... company doesnt practise petty cash claim.

To some... 300bucks is not small... but to me... I can use 300bucks to pay for insurance, and bills ne, which I havent done so. Or get some lame stuffs for the trip.

No wonder I am poor.
I believe in cash on hand... now my hand got no cash.... how to proceed with my trip arrangements?
I feel at loss.
Because I'm sure this 300-400bucks wont reach me in time for the trip. and I sort of need it badly.


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