Thursday, June 09, 2005

I just came back from returning some files, and I've totally forgotten what I wanted to put down. It's very weird. Just 2 mins passed. Why can't I forget the disappointment instead? What? Who? I also donno ne.
Last night for the first time, I sat through a lively musical show without participating in the fun. Felt a bit paisey that the people beside me were rocking and dancing, but I just stoned there, watching the musicians do their thing ,just like an invisible spirit there.

Now I remember:
If I ever screamed into your ears before, asking, why do I treat people with sincerity but I cant feel other people's sincerity towards me... it's still true.
Hmm, now I dont know why I wanted to write that le. =(

"我始终带着你爱的微笑 一路上寻找我遗失的美好
不小心当泪滑过嘴角 就用你握过的手抹掉
再多的风景也从不停靠 只一心寻找我遗失的美好
有的人说不清哪里好 但就是谁都替代不了"
yes, it's true ne.

I'll try my best on the piano. (>.<)


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